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▶️ The next call for applications for EU-backed programs: 24.02 - 09.03

VC Enrollment pending

PFR Starter

Baner PFR Starter
Fund Profile
incubation, start
Investment Process
cyclical calls
Capital Entry
up to PLN 5m
Investment Period
4 years
Resources at disposal
PLN 807m
Private contribution
Yes, min. 20%

Time to start:

15 days, 18 hours, 0 minutes
Baner PFR Starter

About the program

Dedicated to management teams who desire to support innovative companies in early stage of growth.

PFR Starter as one of nine programmes operating under the fund-of-funds formula within PFR Ventures. It is aimed at funds investing primarily in companies at the earliest stage of development (before the first commercial sale). The programme assumes investments in venture capital funds with an investment ticket of up to PLN 5 million.

PFR Starter's share in the capitalisation of the fund is a maximum of 80% (PLN 20-65 million) - the remaining part is contributed by members of the investment team and independent private investors with the right to 2.5 times the profit asymmetry in relation to their share in the capitalisation of the fund.

Investment period

The investment period provided for under the programme is 4 years. The disinvestment period is a further 4 years. Throughout the life of the fund, the managers receive a management fee and, upon settlement of the fund, a carried interest.

Purpose of the program

The aim of the programme is to develop an ecosystem of innovations and start-ups by creating professional teams managing VC funds - the funds with which we cooperate in Starter are selected in the course of calls, in which we pay special attention to the complementary experience (investment / entrepreneurial / industry) of people forming the team and the orientation of a given team towards innovative start-ups, together with readiness to actively support them and engage in fund management.



The FAQ section is so far only available in the Polish language version.

First edition of PFR Starter

See a summary of the first edition of programmes based on SGOP (Smart Growth Operational Programme) funds here. You will also find archived programme documentation, investment data and portfolio funds.

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logo PFR Ventures

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