Investing in Innovation
PFR Ventures is the Development Finance Institution dedicated to fund investments. We are part of the Polish Development Fund (PFR), fully owned by the Government of Poland.


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Polish VC market outlook 2024

Polish VC market outlook Q3 2024

Polish VC market outlook Q2 2024

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Polish VC market activity in Q2 22 summary

Polish VC market activity in Q3 22 summary

Polish VC market activity in Q1 22 summary

Polish VC market outlook 2021

Polish VC market activity in Q3 21 summary

Transakcje na polskim rynku VC w Q2 2021

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Ecosystem Profile Picture: Poland

Polish&CEE tech ecosystem outlook

Polish VC market activity in 2Q20 summary

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Polish VC market activity in 3Q19 summary
Our capital
Who we are and what we do
PFR Ventures is the largest fund investor in the CEE region. We support the development of the local Venture Capital and Private Equity market, and more broadly, the innovation ecosystem. Through funds, we finance innovative small and medium enterprises across different growth stages.
Our only investor is the Government of Poland, either directly or through the Polish Development Fund or Polish Development Bank (BGK).

Our programs
Are you an entrepreneur looking for funding?

We do not invest directly in companies, but you will find funds in our portfolio that can help you.
Who benefits from it?
Money managed by investments funds is then used to provide funding for the most innovative polish companies across different growth stages. Our funds are adressed for teams just starting to work on their product, as well as companies looking for funding for R&D or expansion. We have already supported companies like Audioteka, Booksy, Brand24,, Infermedica, iTaxi or Oshee.