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▶️ The next call for applications for EU-backed programs: 24.02 - 09.03

VC Enrollment closed

PFR Green Hub FoF

Baner PFR Green Hub
Fund Profile
Ecology, renewable energy, climate-tech
Investment Process
Ongoing call for tenders
Capital Entry
Up to 17.5 mln EUR
Investment Period
Till funds last
Resources at disposal
>65 mln EUR
Private contribution
Yes, minimum 50%

Enrollment period

Enrollment closed - archived program
Baner PFR Green Hub

About the program

We have launched the PFR Green Hub FoF program to provide financing for the best "green" projects. We are looking for management teams that want to finance environmentally friendly and innovative companies.

The maximum contribution from PFR Green Hub FoF is up to PLN 80 million. Proceeds may be offered to teams planning funds for the VC fund in standard sales (based on a commitment) or co-investment (deal-by-deal).

PFR GreenHub FoF is a program for funds willing to invest in companies in the areas of: ecology, renewable energy and clean technologies. The fund of funds is part of the PFR GreenHub umbrella project.

PFR Green Hub FoF is an element of the umbrella program of the Polish Development Fund. More information on direct and local government investments is available on this page.

PFR GreenHub FoF (PFR GH FoF) is the name of the program under which the PFR Fund Funduszy FIZ operates.



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