News In this section you will find news about PFR Ventures. Filters Subject FENG (EFME)PFR Ventures investmentsPOIR (SGOP) Filters Statement of PFR Ventures regarding amendments to the EU regulation "Omnibus" 18.09.2018 PGE creates CVC fund with PFR and NCBR 06.09.2018 Polski Fundusz Rozwoju S.A. acquired Krajowy Fundusz Kapitałowy S.A. 06.08.2018 TAURON, in concert with the PFR and the NCBR, create the first Corporate Venture Capital (CVC) fund 14.06.2018 PFR Ventures signed the first investment agreements with venture capital funds 12.06.2018 Pagination First page Previous page 1 2 3
TAURON, in concert with the PFR and the NCBR, create the first Corporate Venture Capital (CVC) fund 14.06.2018